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Battery Recharging


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My vehicle battery is very depleted, and I must persuade my RING RSC808 smart charger to start charging, since the battery cannot prompt the charger to commence at 0.0 volts. The depleted battery has been removed from the vehicle due to the absence of a charging facility in the subterranean parking garage. I believe I need a charged battery connected in parallel to persuade the charger to function. I will ascertain if my local garage has a charger capable of functioning from 0.0 volts (plan B). Am I proceeding correctly? I do not own an extra 12v battery. These intelligent chargers are lacking in many aspects.

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If the battery is very depleted, a smart charger such as the Ring or CTek will be ineffective.
It requires many hours on a 4 - 6 amp mains charger before the smart charger can assume control.

Could you get a mains charger to begin the charging process?
The battery may need replacement if it has been fully discharged for an extended period.

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If it has been at 0 volts for any duration, it will be irretrievable. Even if it accepts a charge, its capacity will be significantly diminished and it will be permanently impaired. Nothing depletes and sulphates a battery more rapidly than allowing it to remain discharged.
Zero volts is uncommon and often indicates that the battery has had an internal short circuit.

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You are correctly using the parallel approach for charging the battery, which is akin to jump-starting. Connecting a parallel battery will start the charging of the depleted battery independently, without the need for your Ring to be attached. A substantial current may flow, necessitating the use of jumper wires. I would connect them up and stand well back for a while before trying the Ring.

If the battery you are attempting to charge registers at 0.0 volts, it may be irreparably destroyed. A battery is considered totally drained at 10.5 volts.

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Interconnect two batteries in a parallel configuration.

This will deceive the charger, since it will detect an average voltage over zero, prompting it to begin charging for both batteries. Once the depleted battery acquires a sufficient charge, it may be charged independently.

However, a second high-quality battery will be essential for this task.

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Indeed, it is just to initiate the vehicle and transport it to the large scrapyard in the sky. It just requires the initiation of the engine. If all other options are unsuccessful, reconnect the battery located in the W202 trunk and establish a connection from the functional battery of the S205.

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Thank you; I arrived to a similar conclusion and sought confirmation. There is a little possibility that an antiquated dumb battery charger exists at my mother's residence, and I shall attempt to use it first. It is essentially a singular issue, and battery longevity is not a worry as the W202 is nearing its terminal phase.

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The MBC230K and MBE300D will be offered for sale at a future date. MBC200SE is, regrettably, an invalid number. I had developed a strong attachment to both plates; yet, MBE 300D (MBE 3000) is likely more marketable of the two. An someone attempted to purchase it from me during a traffic congestion on Southwark Bridge once.

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