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There is water moving back and forth within the heater matrix.


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While driving my recently acquired BMW Cooper S from the series one, I have noticed a distinct sound of water sloshing about while starting from a stationary position and when navigating tight curves. This sound can only be attributed to the movement of water inside the heater matrix.

I have had the system purged and refilled, but it had little or no impact.

Does anybody else have the same issue, and preferably a remedy - or comfort that it is a common occurrence and not anything to be concerned about?

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If the heater matrix is not leaking, it is unlikely that the sloshing noise is originating from that source. If there is a leaky heater matrix, you would be able to detect it by seeing a wet floor and detecting the scent of coolant.

Do you have a sunroof? Use compressed air to clear the drains. It is possible that the A/C drain is the cause of the issue.

Perhaps a windscreen with a leak?

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Appreciation is expressed. The floor is not wet, while there is no sunroof, the car may be converted into a convertible.
Unfamiliar with air conditioning drain.
There is no indication of incoming water; rather, it is the water that is already there that is in motion.

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It is possible that there is still an air lock present in the matrix. Mini vehicles use a distinct bleeding technique, which sets them apart from many other automobiles (although each car has its own unique characteristics). Unfortunately, some garages fail to execute this process correctly, resulting in the presence of air pockets.

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Thank you. Perhaps I should have the bleeding process repeated, however it was performed by a renowned service that specialises in Mini vehicles, so I assumed they would be familiar with the right procedure.

Following the occurrence of bleeding, I was assured that it is a common and not a concerning issue. However, given my extensive experience of travelling long distances since 1968, I have never encountered a similar situation. Therefore, I am seeking more professional perspectives to further evaluate the matter.

I do not believe that there are any genuine performance concerns with the systems. Both the engine and cabin heat reach regular levels promptly without becoming excessively hot.

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Every automobile should have a drain pipe protruding from below, since they are susceptible to blockage by external creatures.

For safety reasons, it is advisable to maintain a safe distance while prodding it, since there is a possibility of water being released.

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Taxis are also prone to seal leakage. However, because you have not seen any indications, I suggest running the air conditioning for 10 minutes today. As a result of the high temperature, when you park the vehicle, water should be pouring from the pipe located beneath. If not, attempt to insert a wire into the area, but ensure you maintain a safe distance, since there is a possibility that if there is a spider or similar creature there, a significant number of them may emerge upon being disturbed.

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