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Difficulties with the DSC!


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Hello everyone, I am seeking advice regarding my 2003 330d tourer E46 car. I have been experiencing an issue with the traction control light coming on, particularly when making right turns, resulting in a loss of power. Initially, I ignored this problem because pressing the DSC button allowed me to drive normally without any power loss. However, both the traction light and the (!) lights eventually came on and remained illuminated. After a day or so, the red brake warning light also came on when I was driving at around 50mph on a slight right corner. Although it reset itself for the next journey, the other two lights remained on permanently. I used a cheap scanner and it indicated a problem with the steering angle sensor, which made sense considering the initial issue with turning right. However, it also indicated that all ABS sensors were faulty, which I chose to disregard.
Today, I installed a steering angle sensor and had it calibrated using a reliable scanner. All the problems were cleared, but the issue with the lights persists, as previously described.
The tyres have the appropriate pressure, right profile, are not worn, and are not staggered.
The real-time data from the ABS sensors remains consistent, but when the traction control light starts flashing, the measurements become erratic. However, when the red brake warning light emerges, the values stabilise.
Through my study, I have discovered that the yaw sensor has the potential to malfunction. Where is it located?
I am attempting to use logical reasoning instead of randomly replacing components. Thank you in advance. Additionally, I have noticed that the brakes seem to stick and then release, and I have become accustomed to this issue over the years. It feels similar to having warped discs, although they have already been changed. I am curious whether these two issues are linked.

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One of the ABS sensors is causing the issue.
The driver side rear wheel is shown when the speedometer stops functioning.
To troubleshoot and provide a temporary solution, remove the sensor and reattach it with a washer placed between the sensor and hub. This will create a little gap between the sensor and reluctor ring.
The ring expands and captures the sensor. If the temporary solution is successful, a new sensor and reluctor ring will be required.

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I will verify whether the readings fluctuate while approaching corners. This is the moment when the red warning light illuminates and deactivates the ABS and traction control systems. I will do this experiment tonight.
Would the addition of the rear sensor on the right-hand side affect the readings of the other sensors?
I am disengaging from the yaw sensor since the red brake warning light is very reliable when it illuminates at a certain speed and while cornering. Therefore, I consider it to be functioning well.

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Upon attempting to read the numbers in real time, I saw that both rear wheels exhibit erratic jumps in speed, ranging from 40km to 80kmh, regardless of whether the vehicle is moving in a straight line or going around turns. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that the rear ABS rings had come into contact with the sensors due to rust expansion.
I have placed washers underneath the sensors, which has effectively resolved the problem. However, it is imperative that I address the underlying issue by obtaining and installing new ABS rings, since the current solution is just a temporary remedy.
I am perplexed as to why the values increased instead of decreasing.
However, I am grateful to all those who provided comments, since the diagnostic scanner indicated that the issue was with the steering angle sensor and the yaw sensor. It is unsurprising that the ABS rings rust, given that the routes I drive on are often flooded.
Thank you once again

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They are universally same regardless of location.
Corrosion and expansion of the shaft often occur on the back, leading to rust and swelling of the ring.
The front components may experience failure, but to a lesser extent, since the ring is integrated into the hub/bearing and is not exposed to the same level of moisture due to its internal positioning.

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