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Whine about the air conditioner, code W169.


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Which is it, the red or the white?!

Anyway, I've lately observed that the subtle engine speed whine that has always been there in my wife's low-mileage A169 A Class (A170 Elegance) has gotten substantially louder. Having crawled under the vehicle (if you've never worked on one of these, the engine is essentially beneath the car; changing the spark plugs requires you to do so!! ), we had a look. The noise is most likely coming from the air conditioning compressor, which is located next to the driver's door on the driver's side of the vehicle. All systems are go, yet the AC is STILL frigid. I'm curious to know whether anybody else has experienced this and, if so, how they resolved it.
For the record, my wife had the air conditioner recharged throughout the summer without incident. However, that was many months ago, and the whining has just now become more evident, so it might just be a coincidence.
Please let me know if you have any ideas or further information.

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It took a new condenser (a cracked pipe) and a re-gas to fix the problem in my E350, which had previously experienced an air con leak, with the symptom of the slight whistle/wine through the air vents. I realize it's a different model, but the air conditioning was still blowing cold; the noise was caused by a lack of pressure. Unless there is a leak, air conditioners shouldn't need to be re-gassed. In my case, the purple dye used to locate the source of the leak.

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The noise is not coming via the vents, and there is no leak. I suspect that my problem is different. Car air conditioning systems naturally lose refrigerant....up to around 10% each year....which is why it gradually becomes warmer over time and why you will need to recharge it every few years to maintain it at 100% efficiency. The low pressure switch should turn off the air conditioner to prevent damage.

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I'm reviving my topic since I never did figure out what was causing the whining while the engine was on. I removed the undercarriage cover to discover that the noise was not coming from the belt but rather the air conditioning pump. We need to know: what might it be?....under intense stress?Is that....? Since it had just been regassed before the noise began, I'm going to think that the pressure is too high.
Any thoughts? When it comes to automobiles, air conditioning is not my forte.

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