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Jerkiness in the gearbox?


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Hello, I own a 2016 CLA 220d AMG Shooting Brake. Upon completely activating the vehicle, it oscillates back and forth, seemingly seeking to engage a gear autonomously. Despite having replaced the valve body, serviced the gearbox, and conducted an intermediate service, the issue remains.
What I have read pertains to the potential involvement of a continuously variable gearbox (CVT) or solenoids.
Someone provide us with a hint before I submerge it in a river.

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When you state that the valve body was changed, do you refer to the contactor plate? If such is the case, and it was executed without changing the solenoids, maybe the issue still resides with the solenoids. Regrettably, the only way to ascertain the solution is to repeat the task using a fresh set of solenoids, which may or may not rectify the issue. Merely a suggestion.

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The vehicle is equipped with a dual-clutch gearbox. I recommend having the ECU examined and possibly reset. According to your description, while in park, it attempts to engage either forward or reverse. Since the gearbox has been serviced, it is likely that the ECU requires restoration to its original settings using STAR or another diagnostic tool.

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