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In search of Lucas parts catalogue


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The manufacturing of the AH 3000 Mk III is divided between two Lucas catalogs, the first of which includes vehicles produced between 1961 and 1964. Lucas Service Catalog 220/2 was applicable to BJ8s manufactured after 1965. If your automobile was made in 1965 or later, I can provide you information from that catalog. If I still have my 1964 Lucas catalog, I can probably get it out of the basement, but it will take some time.

If you need anything more from the 220/2 catalog, however, just let me know.

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This is exactly what I need. I am the proud owner of HBJ8L25.321, the seventh MK III produced that November of 1963. Since BMC destocked without a clear date for the model change, I require both catalogs, the earlier one and the latter one. It may seem insane, but I have to go through this every time I get auto components since my vehicle is quite original.
If you happen to come across any of your catalogues, I would very much appreciate it.
kind regards

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I have no intention of parting with them since I refer to them often in my work, and you have undoubtedly already discovered that they are difficult to come by. Please let me know if there is anything in particular you'd want to know or see; I'll be happy to oblige using the 220/2 catalog and, with any luck, some digging into the earlier catalog to get information on the early BJ8 models. If you're interested in acquiring one of these catalogs, I recommend keeping an eye on online auction sites like eBay and others like it, since they sometimes include such collectibles.

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The whole 220/2 catalog can't be scanned without first removing the binding and scanning the pages individually. There are 229 pages total, not including the covers, table of contents, and index pages, therefore scanning individual pages or a short part is "doable," however the degree of binding distortion will vary somewhat depending on the page's relative placement within the catalog.

Catalogs that are thinner and bound with staples, like the 220/1 for 1977–1980 automobiles and the maybe temporarily missing 1961–1964 catalog, can be laid flat more easily for a nice scan. I can think of just one potential problem with scanning the 1961–1964 catalog: the text is black on blue paper, so the contrast may need to be adjusted.

I'd love to get my hands on a copy of the Lucas catalog from the 1970s, which featured black and white illustrations and covered vehicles from 1961 to 1972 (IIRC) but, as my grandfather often reminded me, "yea, and the people in "heck" (seems the auto software censor doesn't like what my grandfather said) want ice water too."

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An invaluable resource is the Lucas 400e Master Parts Catalog. The years 1959 and 1960 AH 3000 are covered. Tybalt says the Lucas Service Catalog 220/2 is the correct one, so I'm guessing that's what we'll need. Is this document being scanned?

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